सोमवार, 6 मई 2024

thank you sister

How do I thank you, Sister ?

My angel in spotless white uniform.

Stepping in to spread nameless cheer,

Stepping out to dismiss all the fear.

Always on duty with a beaming smile

As if she does not have a single care.

She carries all our burdens in her tray.

She watches over us through night and day.


How do I thank you, Sister ?

My angel in spotless white uniform.

Her hands work deftly and tirelessly.

Her shoes tap the floor in a hurry.

Her pat on my back so reassuring.

I think about my mother when she is frowning.

Her life is a sermon to those listening

She drilled strength and courage in me. 

How do I thank you, Sister ?

My angel in spotless white uniform.


Pictures from the internet with thanks 


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